As the owner of Add’A Touch accessories beauty business. I am honored to have been a co- visionary of this heartfelt book anthology with my fellow sister’s from my home in the U.S Virgin Islands.
Chapter #15 is where you will find, “Intentional Purpose Leads to Peace”. I continue to share and influence the everyday inspired women, to make the changes necessary and to become the best version of herself. And to obtain every goal and dreams from within from my experiences and lessons learned.
As women, we all have passions that ignite us. They burn so bright within and around us that we can’t dim them, no matter how hard we try. It is from these passions that our assigned purpose emerges, and we become the women God truly created us to be.
Passion and Purpose, 21 Inspiring Stories from Women in the US Virgin Islands on Business, Leadership, and Life takes you on an amazing journey of unshakeable faith in the face of adversity, unknowns, and triumphs. This compilation of stories was written by women for women to inspire, motivate, and strengthen your confidence to follow your dreams, rise above fear, and live out your life’s passion and purpose.
The stories are captivating, powerful and lifechanging. They will strengthen your confidence and give you the motivation to follow dreams, rise above the fear and live out your life’s passion and